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DIY Pool Fences Installation

Pool Fences

When you purchase pool fences from, you’ll easily be able secure all the materials and accessories needed for your installation in one place. You do not need to be a professional installer; in fact our pool fencing is specially designed so that it is easy enough to be installed by the average homeowner. However, this do-it-yourself accessibility wasn’t always the case.

In the past there used to be just one style of aluminum pole attached to mesh pool fencing. This “old style” of poles (which many competitors still sell) has a larger circumference, requiring larger holes to be drilled in the ground during installation. Therefore, the pool fence was mostly installed by professionals with heavy industrial power tools. This often challenged the homeowner’s ability to DIY install. Meanwhile the poles used on EZ-Guard offered at are comprised of aluminum and then reinforced with a ½” stainless steel rod. This bottom reinforcement rod is noticeably smaller than the circumference of the old style all aluminum poles. By having a smaller ground insert it means that smaller holes are drilled, removing the need to use an industrial core drill.

Simply by taking the industrial drill out of the equation helped make this pool fence system easier to install; however, took it several steps further. We package and send our pool fences in easy to carry sections. You’ll receive your order divided in 12 foot sections for the four foot tall varieties and 10 foot long sections for the five foot tall versions. Additionally, each section is pre-assembled, meaning the entire length of mesh is pre-attached to the poles. All the do-it-yourself installer has to do is pull the sections out of the box and focus on the installation rather then worrying about assembly. The end result will be a completed safety fence installed with precision.

LifeFence Toll Free: 1-888-4life-01 (454-3301) - (Mon - Fri, 9am - 7pm ET • Sat, 9am - 5pm, ET)
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